
Water logging: Pm invites Badal to Delhi to find solutions

September 16, 2013 05:49 PM
Sappanwali/ Mahatam Nagar --   The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today said that water-logging had assumed the proportions of a deep human tragedy, requiring out-of-the-box long term measures for a permanent solution. “The problem is no longer limited merely to saving crop; the entire affected area had been doomed to a massive socio-economic devastation and unless matching comprehensive rehabilitation and reconstruction initiative was undertaken, the crisis could have a spill over into social stability, economic frustration and law and order for decades to come.  
Mr. Badal was appreciative of the sympathetic hearing and assurances given by the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on the demands put forth by him during the PM’s Chandigarh visit, and said that he was hopeful of Dr. Singh’s personal intervention to help the state in this hour of crisis. The CM disclosed that the Prime Minister had invited him to New Delhi with a comprehensive report to find some solution for this menace.  
CM warns of strict action against officers for dereliction of duty in fighting the menace

Badal gets Prime Minister’s invite to Delhi for water logging issue

 Water logging a deep human tragedy: cm
The Chief Minister said that it was unfortunate that the center had taken so long to wake up to the gravity of the situation and was still forcing the much-needed central relief and rehabilitation measures to get bogged down in technicalities and superfluous norms. The Chief Minister, who has been camping in the affected areas ever since the calamity, hit the Malwa hinterland, especially Mukatsar district, warned that the government would brook no laxity on the part of any officer or official in what he described as “noble though critical cause”. “Dereliction of duty in ameliorating the sufferings of the poor and affected people would be met with exemplary punishment. “  Mr. Badal has not moved out of the area since calamity hit the people except to meet the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and attend a Global Agriculture Summit at Gandhinagar. He also successfully persuaded all members of the Finance Commission to visit the affected villages on September 8.
The Chief Minister further said that the Prime Minister had also assured him that the compensation given to the victims of the natural tragedy would also be suitably hiked to facilitate the distressed people in this hour of crisis. Mr. Badal said that all these matters were pending with the Government of India (GoI) and Prime Minister’s intervention would be of great help in streamlining these projects. “I am thankful to Prime Minister for assuring me the positive outcome of all the matters raised before him”, he added.
Reiterating that the people from weaker and downtrodden sections who were having limited sources of income were the worst affected due to fury of floods, the Chief Minister said that he had already directed the officers to make sure that all the outstanding dues pertaining to the pensions and Shagun scheme beside any other financial assistance were made available to these beneficiaries within a week. He further said that it was the moral duty of state government to help these sections of society in this hour of crisis. The Chief Minister was accompanied by Cabinet Minister Mr. Surjit Kumar Jiyani and Lok Sabha MP Mr. Sher Singh Ghubaya.
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