Chandigarh --- The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal said here today that his programme of going to meet the people at their doorsteps through Sangat Darshans will continue as this was the core element in his vision of democracy. “People are my masters and I am their servant. A servant always goes to his master and I always go to the people. This relationship will go on like this as long as I am alive. Plus, when I sit with the people, I feel elevated.I draw my spiritual and moral strength from their company.
In a statement released on the eve of the Independence Day, Mr. Badal said, “The true meaning of freedom and democracy is that those in the government should stop treating themselves as masters. Freedom means implementing Abrahm Lincoln’s concept of democracy as a system of government of the people, by the people and for the people. Without making people the true masters, freedom has no meaning. Sangat Darshan is democracy in action.”“The Congressmen consider it below their dignity to go to the people;I feel highly honoured in and by their company,” said the Chief Minister, adding that his vision of democracy had always been different from that of critics who have a “royal and monarchical approach to governance.” Kings live in palaces, I live among thpeople,” said Mr. Badal.
In a strongly worded response to criticism of his Sangat Darshan programmes by some Congressmen, Mr Badal said, “Some people in the state think that a leader should not go back to the people for five years after he has been elected by them. They think that a leader is a boss and should sit in his air-conditioned offices, be spoonfed by officers, issue orders and enjoy perks of office which people have bestowed on him but should not soil his hands by mixing with them. I am in no mood to oblige these critics at the cost of the people who have made me what I am. I will continue to go to the doorsteps of the people to understand and solve their problems. This is why they have always given me their love and trust and elected me above others. “
Regarding the funds spent on public works and local development projects, Mr. Badal said that his critics should now stop telling lies. “They took this issue to the court. But judiciary threw their objections out. They should accept the verdict of the judiciary and stop talking about misuse of funds. Every penny spent for the people during the Sangat Darshan programmes is under strict audit andaccounted for. Otherwise, the courts would not have given us a clean chit,” said the Chief Minister.