Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today demanded an independent probe by an international agency into the circumstances leading to death of Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh in Pakistan. Badal also criticised the Centre’s approach towards the matter. “Government of India too dithered and dilly-dallied in reacting to the attack on him (Sarabjit). Was enough done to save him? Steps by government of India to secure his release earlier were weak and totally inadequate,” he said in a statement. Badal also asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to take the highest diplomatic initiative to bring Sarabjit’s body back to Punjab. He said the Punjab government would give Sarabjit a state funeral. Demanding that his body be brought back to India for a “dignified funeral”, Deputy chief minister Sukhbir Singh Badal promised government jobs to Sarabjit’s dependents.