Chandigarh -- The Punjab Government has provided free text books of worth Rs. 16 crore to 7,96,393 non scheduled castes students studying in the primary & upper primary classes in the government and aided schools in the state.The Punjab Education Minister Mr. Sikandar Singh Maluka said the state government was committed to impart quality education to the students studying in government and aided schools. He said that the government had already distributed the books to the 7, 38,414 students and rest of the students get the free books soon.
The Minister further said that the Punjab Government has also provided free text books of worth Rs. 30 crore to 14.5 lac students
belongs to Scheduled castes and backward classes studying in class 1st to 10th in the government and aided schools in the state. He said that efforts were on to provide required infrastructure in all the government schools and vacant posts of the teachers would be filled on priority.