CHANDIGARH-- Teachers Recruitment Board Punjab (TRBP) has started the process for recruitment of one thousand teachers across the state. Disclosing this here today Education Minister Punjab Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka said the Punjab Government has committed to provide education to every child, to meet this target Government has already demanded the data of vacant posts in the schools. He said that the Teachers Recruitment Board Punjab has already started the recruitment process of 1000 teachers in 21 model schools, 6 Adarsh Schools and 264 upgraded middle to high under the Rashtriya Madhmik Siksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in the state.
The Education Minister said that to cope with the shortage of teaches and maintain education standard in government schools across the state, vacant posts of selecting professionals teaches would be filled shortly to impart the quality education. He said that alternative arrangements have been made till the completion of recruitment process. The Minister further said the Teachers Recruitment Board headed by Principal Secretary School Education and the members of the said board were Chairman Punjab School Education Board, Vice Chancellor GNDU Amritsar and Punjabi University Patiala, Director General School Education Punjab and the convener of the board was Director Public instructions for this recruitment process.