
Deadline for terminating inshore fishing controlling agreement fast approaching

February 25, 2014 11:29 AM


Inshore fishermen in Atlantic Canada and Québec are reminded that they have until April 12, 2014 to terminate or adjust their controlling agreements in order to comply with the policy on Preserving the Independence of the Inshore Fleet in Canada’s Atlantic Fisheries(PIIFCAF).


Since the Policy was implemented in 2007, hundreds of fishermen have taken back control of their enterprise by terminating or modifying their controlling agreements.  However, a small percentage of fishermen remain in controlling agreements. The Department will continue to work with them directly to ensure they understand the policy requirements and what is required to comply with them.


Quick Facts

  • The purpose of the PIIFCAF Policy was to eliminate controlling agreements in the Atlantic inshore fisheries.
  • A controlling agreement is an agreement between a licence holder (fisherman) and an individual or entity that permits someone other than the licence holder to control or influence the licence holder’s decision to submit a request to DFO for a licence transfer.
  • Inshore fishermen had seven years to bring themselves into compliance with the Policy. The deadline to terminate or amend a controlling agreement to comply with the PIIFCAF policy is April 12, 2014.  



“Our Government recognizes the importance of maintaining an independent and economically viable inshore fleet where the benefits of the licence stay with the licence holders.  A strong inshore fleet is essential to the future of many small communities along our coasts.”


“The objective of the PIIFCAF Policy was to strengthen the Owner-Operator and Fleet Separation policies. We remain fully committed to these policies and we will continue to work with the industry to ensure that the fishery remains economically prosperous for future generations.”

The Honourable Gail Shea
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