
Fisheries and Oceans Canada recognizes Jean Robitaille for his contribution to recreational fisheries

February 25, 2014 11:00 AM


On behalf of the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Richard Nadeau, Regional Director General in Quebec Region, presented Jean Robitaille with a 2013 National Recreational Fisheries Award on February 21, 2014.


Over the course of his career, Jean Robitaille has conducted many research projects that have benefited the recreational fishery. He is recognized for the quality of information he provides to fisheries resource users and for his important contribution to Canada’s wildlife resources.


His work with Opération Renaissance and close collaboration with the Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs to reintroduce striped bass in the St. Lawrence River are particularly noteworthy. Opération Renaissance partners have pledged to restore the St. Lawrence River to its full glory, and the reintroduction of striped bass is a solid reflection of Jean Robitaille’s commitment to preserving Quebec's biodiversity. This project also serves to raise awareness about the fragility of resources and aquatic habitats.


Jean Robitaille’s contributions have allowed people to resume their use of the St. Lawrence River, bringing benefits to local communities and recreational fishing. His work helped to shine light on striped bass and his identification of favourable sites for restocking led to the positive results seen today. Through his extensive research, Jean Robitaille’s contribution to maintaining Quebec's biodiversity is unique and will have a direct effect on the preservation of the river’s ecosystem and resources.


Quick Facts

  • Canada’s National Recreational Fisheries Awards were created in 1989 to recognize outstanding contributions by individuals and organizations in areas such as recreational community leadership, restoring and enhancing fisheries and fish habitat or promoting conservation and sustainable recreational fishing.
  • Recreational fishing represents an important economic, social and cultural contribution to Canada. According to the most recent survey on recreational fishing in Canada, recreational fishing contributes approximately $8.3 billion to local economies across Canada. Approximately 3.3 million anglers take part in recreational fisheries each year, including over 400,000 tourists who come to Canada to fish every year.



“Our Government is proud to recognize dedicated volunteers for their outstanding commitment to conservation of resources and to recreational fishing.”

“Their efforts to protect fish and fish habitat and to promote recreational angling help preserve our important resources for future generations to enjoy. I offer my sincere congratulations to Jean Robitaille for his outstanding contribution to recreational fishing in Canada.”

The Honourable Gail Shea
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

“Although I have had a long-term interest in the St. Lawrence striped bass and in the reasons for its disappearance, I am not the first to address this topic. Several fishermen, biologists and naturalists have done so before me. Therefore, I would like to share this distinction with the ones who have come before me, especially those who have generously shared their knowledge. Thanks to them, I had access to biological data and field notes on the St. Lawrence striped bass gathered between 1946 and 1962; their analysis allowed me to identify the causes of the striped bass disappearance and to come to the conclusion that its reintroduction in the river was possible.”

Jean Robitaille
Recipient of the 2013 National Recreational Fisheries Award
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