
Dentistry ergonomics has revolutionized dental treatments, Dr Vijita

December 19, 2013 05:45 PM
Chandigarh: From guessing dentistry, to precision dentistry, the magnification technology has changed the way dental treatments are done. The dental ergonomics have revolutionized dental treatments making it easier to view the oral cavity unlike the earlier days, said the chief managing director, The Dental Arcade, Dr. Vijita Mehta, MDS, Endodontist.

Introducing the media men to the concept of micro dentistry, first time launched in North India at Chandigarh excluding Delhi, Dr Mehta gave live demonstration. She said, “Magnification allows the dentist to have a better view of patient’s oral cavity and an easy access which in a way improves the overall result of the treatment by limiting the trauma and increasing the precision,” she said.

Showing hands-on live demonstration with a reporter in the dental chair, Dr Vijita went through the “patient’s” jaw and teeth magnified live on the screen at The Dental Arcade. “It lets the dentist to visualize familiar structure in totally different way, with finest details that were concealed in the past to the naked eye.

It is an indispensable device which has been connected with the high resolution video camera which projects the magnified images on the LCD monitor, which patients too can see,” she said. She added that pit and fissure caries and fracture lines in tooth can be detected only with microscope. When a dentist has clearer vision, he or she is more armed to counsel and educate patients. Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words as it facilitates on demand documentation of the treatment (both video/photographic) for record as well, she explained. 

Microscope enhanced procedures permit complex system of canals to be recognized, managed and identified in safe and precise manner. It also makes easier to resolve cases which in past would be impossible to resolve without magnification such as retrieval of broken pieces of instruments used during dental procedures from root canals, management of stones and calcification in the root canal, visualization of accessory or multiple canals in a tooth and provides better prognosis for re-treatments.

In restorative and cosmetic procedures it plays pivotal role in finishing and polishing the final edges of the prosthesis, veneers and esthetic fillings, checking the tooth and material obdurate interface and helps check adjustments of metallic structures and porcelain edges under high resolution. “Similarly, all mouth surgeries can be done by involving minimal required area with more precision, less discomfort to the patient and faster healing than the surgeries done under naked eye,” she said. Cleaning procedures especially become precise as it locates hidden areas and deposits with ease.

All these facilities are available at The Dental Arcade, which is not the only dental clinic in tri-city that uses the technique of micro dentistry but are the pioneers of it in the northern states of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Jammu Kashmir.

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