Calgary, 13 May (CI Bureau) :Forget 4G. While many still don't have access to the high-speed mobile network, Samsung claims to have made a breakthrough into the next generation of 5G.
The mmWave Mobile Technology is the next step in network speed, which will provide data transmissions of up to several hundred times faster than 4G, with the ability to download up to tens of gigabits per second when it arrives.
"Subscribers will be able to enjoy a wide range of services such as 3D movies and games, real-time streaming of ultra high-definition (UHD) content, and remote medical services," said Samsung today.
Unfortunately we're a few years off seeing the service being available for the commercial market though, which Samsung says will happen by 2020.
Meanwhile, TechRadar begins research into 6G
It's likely that we'll see shift to 4.5G some time before then, so data hogs will at least have that to look forward to.
But Samsung's innovation is a huge leap forward given until now it's been believed that high-frequency wavebands required for 5G weren't suitable for long-range mobile communications.
"Samsung's latest innovation is expected to invigorate research into 5G cellular communications across the world," said Samsung today.
"The company believes it will trigger the creation of international alliances and the timely commercialisation of related mobile broadband services."
(Courtesy: Wall Street Journal)