
PM congratulates Bhutan PDP leaders

July 15, 2013 01:04 PM

Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s message to the Bhutan PDP leaders. 

“It gives me great pleasure to felicitate Your Excellency on the success of the people’s Democratic Party, as well as your own election to the National Assembly in the historic second democratic election in Bhutan. 

I would like to avail of this opportunity to assure you of the steadfast and unflinching support of India and its citizens for the steady steps that Bhutan is taking to further strengthen democratic processes and institutions. India is a privileged partner of Bhutan and it’s people in their socio-economic progress and development. Our bilateral ties are anchored in a strong foundation of trust, mutual confidence and understanding. I wish to reiterate India’s undiminished commitment to Bhutan in preserving these unique and special traditional ties. India is, and will remain, sensitive to Bhutan and its interests. 

I would also like to emphasize that India- Bhutan relations, which are indeed exemplary, have been carefully nurtured and fostered over many decades with the guidance and vision of Their Majesties the Druk Gyalpos of Bhutan and the constructive cooperation of our governments. Our endeavor would be to strengthen these ties further. We look forward to working with you and your colleague to further enhance our cooperation for the benefit of the people of both our countries. I have therefore already instructed officials of my Government to prepare for the discussions on our plan assistance to Bhutan. 

I also look forward to an early opportunity of welcoming you in India. 

Please accept, Your Excellency, my very best wishes and the assurances of my highest consideration.” 

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