
Canada train disaster: Blast missing 'probably dead'

July 12, 2013 10:10 AM

Toronto, July 12: Canadian police have said 30 people missing since Saturday's train crash in a Quebec town are "most probably dead".

Twenty bodies have already been found after a runaway train carrying oil derailed and exploded in Lac-Megantic.

During a visit to the town, Quebec's premier said the train owner's response to the disaster had been "deplorable".

The head of Rail World accused a local driver of failing to set a series of hand brakes. Swathes of the town centre were wiped out in the huge blast.

Some 2,000 town residents were forced to flee their homes.


On Wednesday, Quebec police inspector Michel Forget told the families of the missing that their loved ones were "most probably dead in this tragedy".


Rail World boss Edward Burkhardt: "It is very questionable whether the hand brakes were properly applied."

"It is with great sadness that I give you this news," he said.

Police say one of the 24 recovered bodies has been identified as 93-year-old Elianne Parenteau.

No official list of missing people has yet been released, but unofficial accounts have been circulating on social media.

Quebec Premier Pauline Marois visited Lac-Magentic on Thursday, and criticised the company's response to the crash.

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