Mumbai, July 11: Hrithik Roshan, who underwent a brain surgery at the Hinduja hospital on Sunday, was discharged from the hospital today. The actor had a subdural hematoma (a clot between the brain and skull), when a stunt during the shoot of his upcoming film with Katrina Kaif, ‘Bang Bang’ went wrong.
Hrithik was supposed to fly to Prague for the next schedule of the film but also complained of frequent headaches and it was daddy Rakesh Roshan who advised him to go for a MRI scan. It was then that the clot was diagnosed.
The actor yesterday, gestured from his bed (Read More) and reached out to his fans, who were praying for his speedy recovery.
The doctors at Hinduja hospital said the actor was recuperating well and will be discharged early this morning. Sure enough, we spotted the actor wearing a navy blue hood T-shirt happily, walking out of the hospital and waving to his fans and media. Also present with him was senior Roshan wearing a purple T-shirt.
Looks like Hrithik Roshan is too relieved to be finally discharged as he rose his hands up in victory. After making a brief media appearance, the actor headed home and has been advised rest for the next three weeks.
Hrithik Roshan is eager to meet his sons and excited to get back home again. He posted a small message for his sons and wrote an emotional piece for them.
Missing my sons. (I’m not allowed to see them yet..).
The following words I write for them inspired BY them…And wish to hear it from them someday….
If I could fly… i’d fly my highest.
When I can run… i’ll run my fastest.
If I walk… i’ll walk my tallest.
If I stand… i’ll stand my strongest.
If I need to sit… i’ll sit with my head up.
If I must sleep… i’ll soar above clouds in my mind.
If I can…I will. I can. So I will.
I’m Great. No matter what.
(Source: Hrithik Roshan – Facebook Page)
While the shooting of ‘Bang Bang’ has been indefinitely postponed, fans await, Hrithik Roshan’s next big release is ‘Krrish 3’.
Here’s wishing the actor a speedy recovery. Hope to see him in action soon.