
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Toronto returns from NATO Operation REASSURANCE

January 19, 2015 02:48 PM

Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Toronto returned to her home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia today, after a successful seven month-long deployment in the Mediterranean Sea on Operation REASSURANCE, Canada's response to Russia's military aggression towards Ukraine.

HMCS Fredericton has replaced HMCS Toronto on Operation REASSURANCE, part of Canada’s contribution to NATO assurance measures, which promote security and stability in Central and Eastern Europe.

Quick Facts

  • HMCS Toronto and its helicopter air detachment were tasked to patrol the Mediterranean and Black Sea’s through the monitoring of shipping to help detect, deter and protect against terrorist activity as part of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2). 

  • HMCS Toronto participated in various joint NATO training exercises as part of its Operation REASSURANCE deployment including Exercises Sea Breeze, Noble Justification and Mavi Balina. 

  • These exercises enhance Canada’s operational readiness and interoperability with our NATO allies and security partners as well as strengthen NATO’s collective capability to respond in a timely and effective manner to a variety of operational contingencies in Central and Eastern Europe and around the world.

  • HMCS Toronto seamlessly conducted joint operations with NATO allies throughout the deployment. Since deploying in July, the ship travelled more than 30,809 nautical miles in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The ship’s helicopter detachment flew 181 sorties totaling more than 445 flying hours.

  • While operating in the Black Sea, HMCS Toronto led Task Unit 02 (TU.02) of SNMG2, which included the Spanish frigate Almirante Juan de Borbón. TU.02 operated with the Romanian frigate Regele Ferdinand, the American destroyer USS Ross, and with naval vessels from Bulgaria, Georgia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

While participating in Exercise Sea Breeze in the Black Sea, HMCS Toronto was the first Royal Canadian Navy ship to conduct patrols in the area since 1992. 


“HMCS Toronto’s achievements during Operation REASSURANCE demonstrate Canada’s steadfast commitment to international peace and security and highlight our ability to provide maritime support around the world wherever instability arises. Canada will continue to work resolutely alongside our partners to apply pressure on President Putin’s regime in response to their aggressive military intervention in Ukraine.”

The Honourable Rob Nicholson, PC, QC, MP for Niagara Falls and Minister of National Defence

“I would like to congratulate the crew of HMCS Toronto on their accomplishments during this past deployment. These men and women have played a major role in demonstrating Canada’s steadfast commitment to international peace and security. All Canadians can be proud of the hard work and professionalism exhibited by HMCS Toronto and her crew over the past seven months, as they worked alongside our allies and partners in support of NATO’s assurance measures.”

The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

“HMCS Toronto’s success on Operation REASSURANCE represents the Royal Canadian Navy’s ability and willingness to react rapidly to international crises and to work side by side with our NATO allies. Together with our partners, the RCN brings security, stability and support to complex situations throughout the world.”

Vice Admiral Mark Norman, Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy

“I am extremely proud of the crew of HMCS Toronto and their determination and dedication during this deployment on Operation REASSURANCE. The success of this deployment is a direct reflection of the crew’s training and professionalism which was demonstrated throughout the mission.”

Commander Jason Armstrong, Commanding Officer, HMCS Toronto

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