
Benefits of Historic Trade Achievements for Yukon in 2014

December 23, 2014 09:27 PM

Under Canada’s Global Markets Action Plan (GMAP), the government’s pro-export, pro-jobs plan, new markets around the world have been opened for Yukon exports. These historic trade achievements will benefit hard-working Canadians in the Yukon and throughout Canada.

In just one year, the government has delivered on its GMAP commitment to eliminate tariffs and support Canadian companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and to boost exports, including through:

  • the conclusion of negotiations and release of the complete text of the historic Canada-European Union trade agreement. The agreement will eliminate tariffs on virtually all of Yukon’s exports. On the first day of the agreement’s coming into force, almost 94 percent of tariffs on agricultural and agri-food products and 99 percent of tariffs on manufactured products entering the EU will be duty-free. Yukon is well positioned to benefit from increased export opportunities to the EU market and its 500 million consumers.
  • the conclusion of Canada’s first free trade agreement in Asia with the landmark Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA), which will come into force on January 1, 2015. Yukon will see tremendous opportunities for export growth, given the complete elimination of South Korean duties on many Canadian products. For example, as of January 1, tariffs of up to 8 percent will be eliminated on hand tools, surveying instruments and mineral products. This will allow exporters in these sectors to improve conditions for exports.

Historic trade agreements require historic trade promotion, and under GMAP the Harper government is supporting workers and businesses in Yukon and ensuring that SMEs have all the necessary tools to seize new opportunities and realize their full export potential.

Key elements of the trade promotion efforts include:

Go Global Export Workshops

Over the next several months, the Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, is holding workshops across Canada in collaboration with Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters and all the Government of Canada’s export support agencies. Under GMAP, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, Export Development Canada, the Business Development Bank of Canada and the Canadian Commercial Corporation have been aligning their activities, facilitating referrals, sharing market intelligence and information, and providing a whole-of-government approach to boost SME exports. Over 300 SMEs participated in Go Global workshops in 2014.

Regional Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) Activities

In 2014, the TCS’s Pacific Regional Office, which supports Yukon and British Columbia, assisted 600 SMEs, providing them with on-the-ground international business support, including 1,142 targeted services, and connecting them to new business opportunities.

Attracting Job-Creating Investments in Yukon

As part of GMAP, the government attracts investment to Canada, benefiting hard-working Canadians and their families. In the 2013-14 fiscal year, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) worked with provincial, territorial and municipal investment partners to facilitate 146 successful investment projects worth $3.65 billion and create over 5,500 new jobs within Canada.

Opening Markets and Supporting Yukon Businesses Abroad

In 2014, Minister Fast led 13 trade missions to 20 countries. Trade missions connect Canadian businesses, especially SMEs, with new opportunities to boost their exports, which creates jobs, growth and prosperity across all regions of Canada, including Yukon.

Minister Fast encouraged Yukon-based businesses to take advantage of the Enterprise Canada Network. Provided in partnership with EDC and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, this network provides online access to more than 30,000 business profiles and information on opportunities in the European market to help Canadian companies take full advantage of the historic Canada-EU trade agreement.

Under GMAP, the Harper government committed to developing comprehensive strategies in key sectors. Strategies released this year that support Yukon businesses include the International Education, the Extractive Sector and the Corporate Social Responsibility strategies, and an export-oriented Defence Procurement Strategy.

Minister Fast invited businesses in Yukon to accompany him on his first trade mission of 2015. This trade mission to South Korea, which will take place from February 8 to 13, will enable businesses to take full advantage of the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement and benefit from on-the-ground support from the Government of Canada.


“This year, 2014, has been the most successful year for international trade in Canadian history, benefiting hard-working Canadians in Yukon and in every region of the country. Under Canada’s Global Markets Action Plan, we will continue our vigorous trade promotion efforts to boost our exports.

“In 2015, we will continue to focus on the real priorities of hard-working Canadians: creating new jobs and prosperity.”

- Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade

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