
Return of the Royal 22e Régiment to Buckingham Palace - Canadians stand guard in London

July 09, 2014 07:36 PM

July 9, 2014 - Ottawa, Ontario


A contingent of some 70 members of the Ceremonial Guard and dignitaries of the Royal 22e Régiment is travelling to London, England today to stand guard at Buckingham Palace.

The Royal 22e Régiment accomplished this task for the first time in the spring of 1940 at the request of His Majesty King George VI, Colonel-in-Chief of the Régiment. It was a first for the King's Guard Sentinels to receive commands, not only from a non-British unit, but also in French.


In the Changing of the Guard ceremony, the old guard hands over responsibility for protecting Buckingham Palace to the new guard. This is a responsibility accorded to active infantry regiments whose members show discipline and precision in their movements.

This return to the Old World is part of the commemorative activities of the Royal 22e Régiment highlighting the events that marked the regimental and military history of Canada.


Quick Facts

  • The Royal 22e Regiment has participated in all the armed conflicts and many of the peacekeeping and humanitarian aid missions in which Canada has played a role;
  • It is one of the three Regular Force infantry regiments of the Canadian Armed Forces;
  • As a Francophone Régiment, it has served as a model for the entire Canadian Armed Forces in the use of French as a language of work. In line with the recommendations of a royal commission convened by the Government of Canada, the “Van Doos” model spread throughout the Public Service and into the private sector, allowing many French-speakers to pursue their careers in French; and
  • During their stay in Europe, the Royal 22e Régiment delegation will visit the historic sites of the Ypres and Passchendale battlefields in Belgium, and in France, the Champs Élysées and the Vimy Ridge battlefield.



“I would like to extend my congratulations to all members of the Royal 22e Régiment past and present on this great occasion. This commemorative event honours the bravery, dedication, and professionalism of 100 years of the Royal 22e Régiment.”

Honourable Rob Nicholson, PC, QC, MP for Niagara Falls and Minister of National Defence

“Members of the Royal 22e Régiment do Canadians proud, whenever and wherever they are called upon to serve. They are the faithful guardians of freedom and equality, values dear to Canada.”

Lieutenant-General Marquis Hainse, Commander Canadian Army

“This is a historic moment for the Royal 22e Régiment. This is the second time since the Régiment’s founding that we have the honour and privilege of performing this important official task.”

Major-General Alain Forand (retired), Colonel of the Régiment du Royal 22e Régiment

Schedule of Events in Europe in 2014

  • Changing of the Guard at the royal palaces in London from July 14 to 19;
  • Parade on Belgium’s national day and visits to the battlefields of Ypres and Passchendale on July 20 to 22; and
  • “Rekindling the Flame” ceremony on the Champs Élysées in France and visit to the site of the Battle of Vimy Ridge from July 23 to 26.

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