
Bilateral Meeting Between Greg Rickford, Canadian Minister of Natural Resources, and Edward Davey, UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

May 06, 2014 07:46 AM

Rome  Natural Resources Canada


“I had my first meeting as Natural Resource Minister with Secretary Davey this afternoon, where we had a positive discussion regarding Canada–UK energy relations and the fundamental shifts in global energy markets.


“Canadaand theUKagree that safe, responsible and reliable sources of energy are fundamental to the security ofEuropeand around the world. Over the course of our meeting, Secretary Davey and I reaffirmed our countries’ support for the people of Ukraine who seek to restore unity, democracy and political stability to their country.

“The Secretary and I also discussed our shared concerns on the European Union’s proposed Fuel Quality Directive Implementing Measures and our shared position that the Fuel Quality Directive be based on sound science and facts. I also reiterated support for the EU Commission's objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions for transportation fuels.


“I reiterated thatCanadais a reliable, secure and environmentally responsible energy producer that can make an important contribution to energy security inEuropeand globally. Canada is making, today, a significant contribution to a more diversified global supply of energy and is well placed to do even more in the future.


“I assured Secretary Davey that Canada is committed to working with our partners in the European Union to strengthen global energy markets, to keep markets open and transparent and to ensure strong stewardship of the environment.

“AsCanadadevelops its resources, we are doing so with a commitment to world-class environmental protection, deploying the best available technology to meet stringent environmental standards. I detailed the opportunity presented by proposed infrastructure that, subject to environmental review and regulatory approval, would help allowCanadato serve a wider international energy market.

“The fundamental values that bindCanadaand theUKculturally, diplomatically and commercially are the foundation for the trade and investment that fuels the growth for our economies. I look forward to further conversations with Secretary Davey on the strong and enduring Canada–UK relationship.”



Alexandra Lemieux 
Press Secretary
Office ofCanada’s Minister of Natural Resources
and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario

Media Relations
Natural Resources Canada

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