
Military Police Complaints Commission Issues Interim Report into the Fynes complaint

May 01, 2014 10:18 PM

Ottawa, (May 1, 2014) –


The Military Police Complaints Commission (the Commission) issued today its Interim Report dated April 30, 2014, into a complaint related to the Military Police investigations conducted following the death of Corporal (Cpl) Stuart Langridge.


Cpl Langridge committed suicide at Canadian Forces Base Edmonton on March 15, 2008. He had served in Bosnia and Afghanistan. His parents, Sheila and Shaun Fynes, filed a formal complaint with the Commission relating to three investigations conducted by the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) following the death of their son.

The Commission held a Public Interest Hearing (PIH) into the Fynes complaint.  The Commission began hearing evidence on March 27, 2012. Commission Chairperson Glenn Stannard presided over the PIH, which sat for 62 hearing days and heard evidence from 90 witnesses.


“This has been a lengthy and complex case with multiple allegations related to three separate investigations by the CFNIS” said Mr. Stannard. 

The Interim Report sets out the Commission’s findings and recommendations with respect to the complaint. As required by the National Defence Act, the Commission issued its Interim Report to the Minister of National Defence, the Chief of the Defence Staff, the Judge Advocate General and the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM). 


The CFPM, as the chief of the Military Police, will review the Interim Report and must provide a Notice of Action to the Chairperson of the Commission and to the Minister of National Defence of any action that has been taken or will be taken with respect to the Commission’s findings and recommendations. The CFPM must provide reasons for not acting on any of the findings and recommendations in the Interim Report. 

After receiving the Notice of Action, the Commission will publish a Final Report. The Commission will provide its Final Report to the complainants and the members of the Military Police who were subjects of the complaint. The Report will also be released to the public and posted on the Commission’s website.

The Military Police Complaints Commission was established in 1999 by the Government of Canada to provide independent civilian oversight of the Canadian Forces Military Police. By reviewing and investigating complaints concerning Military Police conduct and by investigating allegations of interference in investigations, it promotes and ensures the highest standards of Military Police conduct and provides for greater public accountability by the Military Police and the Chain of Command.
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