
Harper Government Invests in Mining Sector Skills Training for Aboriginal Workers in Northern Ontario

April 04, 2014 09:18 PM

April 4, 2014 – Kenora, Ontario –


Employment and Social Development Canada


Hundreds of Aboriginal workers in Ontario will gain the skills necessary to help them secure jobs in the mining sector through a local investment by the Government of Canada.


The Honourable Greg Rickford, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario, made the announcement today on behalf of the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development.


Through the Skills and Partnership Fund, the federal government is contributing over $5.2 million to the Seven Generations Education Institute to provide training and work experience to 315 Aboriginal participants in various in-demand occupations related to the mining sector in the Thunder Bay–Rainy River area. Successful participants are expected to secure jobs in industries such as mining and trucking.


Four other partners are also funding this project, including Aboriginal organizations and private sector partners, which brings the total project value to more than $11.4 million.


Quick Facts

  • Aboriginal communities are benefitting from resource development across Canada. The natural resource industry currently supports 31,000 Aboriginal jobs—making natural resources the largest employer of Aboriginal people in Canada.
  • The mining industry is expected to face significant shortages over the next decade, as a result of anticipated growth, an aging workforce, and difficulty attracting younger workers, recent immigrants and women to rural and northern locations. The industry will need about 145,000 new workers by the end of 2023.
  • This project is an excellent example of how the Government of Canada is working in partnership with Aboriginal organizations and industry to address Canada’s critical skills shortages.



“Our government’s top priorities are creating jobs and opportunities for all Canadians. This project will help Aboriginal people get the skills and experience they need to get available jobs in Ontario’s mining sector.”

- Greg Rickford, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario


“Today’s federal government announcement provides Seven Generations Education Institute with the opportunity to support Aboriginal learners with access to much-needed training and skills to participate in the mining industry and contribute to the Canadian economy.”

- Delbert Horton, CEO Seven Generations Education Institute


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