Life Style

SO YOU eat your daily dose of fruit and veg, exercise regularly and stay out of the sun. You’d think you’d be 10 steps ahead of the ageing game, right?

March 06, 2014 07:37 PM


If you’re ageing faster than your years, it may be time to change up parts of your daily routine. The way you sleep, work and spend your down time could add years to your face and shorten your lifespan.

Several health experts spoke to about the most common age-accelerating habits and how to stop them.


You cut out all fat from your diet


Not all fats are bad. In fact, it’s crucial you eat good fats if you want to maintain a youthful appearance, according to Franci Cohen, an certified nutritionist and exercise physiologist.

“Heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish (such as salmon and mackerel) and certain nuts (such as walnuts and flax seeds) keep skin supple and plump, thereby preventing wrinkles, and they boost both heart and brain health as well,” she said.


You use sunscreen, but only at the beach


We should all be wearing sunscreen everyday. The quick walk to work, driving and even putting the bins out can do more damage to your skin than spending a day sunbaking if you won’t wear sunscreen.

“The number-one cause of nearly every sign of premature ageing on the human face is ultraviolet exposure,” said Dr. Sarah L Taylor, an associate professor of dermatology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre.

“UV light is present even when it’s cloudy or raining,” she said.

A sunscreen with an SPF of 30 to 50 is ideal for everyday use.


You multitask


It may seem like the best way to get through your never-ending to-do list, but multi-tasking can be counterproductive.

“People think multi-tasking is good, but you don’t actually get anything done — you just create more stress,” chief medical officer at California’s St. Joseph Hospital, Dr. Raymond Casciari, told

And stress is a huge age accelerator. Chronic stress can trigger the release of free radicals, the molecules that damage cells.

Focus on one task at a time instead of trying to do it all at once.


You rarely pass up dessert



We all love a sweet treat now and then, but avoiding dessert could do more good than just keeping the kilos off. Sugar can add years to your face.

“Internally, sugar molecules attach themselves to protein fibres in each of our cells,” said Dr Susan Stuart, a California-based dermatologist.

This can cause skin to lose its glow, tone, colour and increase fine lines, wrinkles and pore size. Want to preserve that youthful glow? Skip dessert tonight.


You love a good TV marathon


For every hour of television watched, adults cut their life expectancy by 22 minutes, according to a British Journal of Sports Medicine study of about 11,000 Australians aged 25 and older. That’s a pretty terrifying statistic. The new House of Cards episode suddenly doesn’t look so tempting, hey?

Furthermore, people watch an average of six hours of television a day live five years less than those who don’t.

“When you sit for more than 30 minutes your body begins to deposit sugar into your cells, which makes it much more likely you’ll be overweight as well,” said Dr Casciari.

So make sure you get up and walk around in between episodes of your favourite TV show.


You spend most of the day sitting



We all know the dangers of living a sedentary lifestyle. Those of us who spend our days at a desk are at a greater risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

While most of us can’t change our jobs, we can exercise regularly to help combat these health issues.

Exercising just 150 minutes or more a week can extend your life by up to 13 years, according to a study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine.


You wear too much make-up


Packing on the powder isn’t a good look. But excess makeup can have more negative long-term effects.

“Wearing excessive amounts of makeup, especially oil based products, can clog your skin pores and cause outbreaks,” said Dr Stuart.

Products with alcohol and chemicals can also dry out the skin by removing its natural oils, which can cause premature lines and wrinkles.

Each person’s skin is different and climate has a big impact. Consult your dermatologist to make sure you’re using the right products for your skin type.


You slouch


Poor posture (often caused by hours slumped at your computer) can cause your spine to bend and form a hunched position over time.

“The spine has a well-balanced S-shaped curvature in order to stabilise and support us,” said Dr. Jeremy Smith, orthopedic spine surgeon at Hoag Orthopedic Institute in California.

“Poor posture or slouching deviates the spine from this normal alignment, and as a result, the muscles, disks and bones become abnormally stressed,” said Smith.

This can lead to spinal degeneration and a permanent deformity.

Check your posture throughout the day — place bright dot stickers in key places such as your desk, car and home to remind yourself to check your posture throughout the day.

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