
Canada Welcomes Political Change Taking Place in Ukraine

February 23, 2014 11:01 AM


Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement:


“Developments today in Ukraine are an important step away from the violence that has taken place under the Yanukovych regime. We wholeheartedly support the agreement to cease violence, institute constitutional change, provide full amnesty for protesters and move toward a coalition government and early elections. We also support the release of jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.


“We call on all sides to honour these changes set out in the agreement and commit to working together to restore freedom, democracy and respect for human rights and the rule of law.


“Together with our allies, we will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure that their actions match their words. Canadian measures will remain in place until we are certain that the Yanukovych regime is listening to the call of its people and fully following the path to democracy that it has committed to.

“The unity of the Ukrainian people is fundamental at this juncture. Canada stands firmly behind the people of Ukraine, and we will work tirelessly to help rebuild the country in support of its peaceful, European future.”

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