Life Style

Be active, take breaks to reduce chronic illness

January 16, 2014 02:47 PM

Sitting less and moving more is the key to have a lower risk of developing any chronic disease.

According to a Kansas State University research, even standing throughout the day - instead of sitting for hours at your computer - can reduce the risk for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, breast cancer and colon cancer, among others.

“Not only do people need to be more physically active by walking or doing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, but they should also be looking at ways to reduce their sitting time,” said Richard Rosenkranz, assistant professors of human nutrition at Kansas State University.

“Taking breaks to stand up or move around can make a difference during long periods of sitting,” said Sara Rosenkranz, also assistant professors of human nutrition.

“Taking breaks to stand up or move around can make a difference during long periods of sitting,” said Sara Rosenkranz, also assistant professors of human nutrition.

They studied a sample of 194,545 men and women aged 45 to 106.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time - with little muscular contraction occurring - shuts off a molecule called lipoprotein lipase, or LPL, said the research that appeared in the journal BMC Public Health.

Lipoprotein lipase helps to take in fat or triglycerides and use it for energy.

“We're basically telling our bodies to shut down the processes that help to stimulate metabolism throughout the day and that is not good,” said Rosenkranz.

“Just by breaking up your sedentary time, we can actually upregulate that process in the body,” she added.

To help office workers and employees who often sit for long periods of time, the researchers suggest trying a sit/stand desk as way to decrease sedentary time and add physical activity into the day, the study added.


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